Jan 9: 4-5pm
Jan 10, 14, 16: 2-5pm
Pre-register on WebSIS and attend first class.
Limited to 12 participants.
No listeners
Prereq: Permission of instructor limited to graduate students only
Level: G 3 units Standard A – F Grading Can be repeated for credit
Seminar or lecture on a topic that is not covered in the regular curriculum.
The goal of this class is to provide frameworks and hands on experience in analyzing data collected through interviews, observations and other qualitative methods. We will cover standards for analysis, strategies (such as thematic analysis, discourse analysis, critical analysis and narrative analysis), and analytic processes such as iterative coding, building matrices, and pulling out logics. The instructor will provide a data set of selections from interviews with musicians in which they discuss their understanding of the music business, but if people already have data sets they are eager to work with, they can do that too.
Contact: Becky Shepardson, bshep@mit.edu