Suzanne Lane, Director, WRAP
Jan/28 | Wed | 10:00AM-12:00PM | E39-335 |
Enrollment: Unlimited: Advance sign-up required
By learning the stages of developing, structuring, rehearsing, and delivering presentations, students can become comfortable with a live audience, and use the interaction as a tool to develop their thinking. This workshop will help instructors think through their goals for oral assignments, so that they can scaffold the steps involved in developing presentations. Workshop participants will be able to work on (re)designing assignments for their current or future courses by developing (i) a deeper understanding of fundamental oral communication concepts, (ii) strategies to integrate oral communication assignments into a class, and (iii) techniques and tools to provide feedback on student presentations.
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Contact: Suzanne Lane, E39-369, 617-253-3039,