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Slideshow: Joe Haldeman’s retirement party

Joe Haldeman

On Friday, September 12, bittersweet as it was, we celebrated the retirement from MIT the famed science fiction writer and long-time writing instructor Joe Haldeman.

On Friday, September 12, bittersweet as it was, we celebrated the retirement from MIT the famed science fiction writer and long-time writing instructor Joe Haldeman. Below are a few images from the party.

We wish him and wife Gay — also a writing instructor here — our warmest wishes as they move to, well, warmer climes in Florida.

Thanks to Jag Patel for capturing the photos, and Ed Schiappa for the video clips.

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Andrew Whitacre
Written by
Andrew Whitacre

Andrew directs the communications efforts for CMS/W and Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education. A native of Washington, D.C., he holds a degree in communication from Wake Forest University, with a minor in humanities, as well as an M.F.A. in creative writing from Emerson College.

This work includes drawing up and executing strategic communications plans, with projects including website design, social media management and training, press outreach, product launches, fundraising campaign support, and event promotions.

Andrew Whitacre Written by Andrew Whitacre